Up 2009-04-19 Prev Next Slideshow

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1 Kole's hospital
  2 Thiis baby was brought to the hospital totaly dyhydrated and his mother had to walk for houndreds of kilometers.jpg  
3 Mother with her boy who was contaminated with monkey pox
4  Monkey pox kill hundreds of Congolese every year. Most of the patients never reacht the hospital in time.
5 The nutrition center of the hospital in Kole
7 Kole's bridge over the Lukenie with dynamo. A tricky construction indeed
8 Bahindo woman . Kole

2 Thiis baby was brought to the hospital totaly dyhydrated and his mother had to walk for houndreds of kilometers
Totaal aantal foto's: 8 | Laatste aanpassing: 15/05/09 23:46 | Help